martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

Un cielo
de ojos color azul
se esconde
bajo un techo
de dos aguas,
que salga la luna
para decir,
pero la gente
se aburre
de escucharlas
a mitad de camino,
o yo me pierdo
dos pasos después.
Salgo a caminar por un pueblo fantasma,
mirando las ventanas vacías
y las noches de luna criminal.
Escucho ruidos y vuelvo corriendo
al refugio de tus labios humedos.

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

3 cuadernos desparramados sobre
una pila de ropa y de ideas viejas.

uno habla de hamacas frías y palomas
de la plaza de olivos en invierno

otro habla de viajes largos en autos
y de playas abotonadas al mar

el tercero habla de secretos
no mios, de los que nunca estuve enterado
y de los que no puedo decir nada

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

Sobre como maté un hombre

Y empezó asi,
despacio y lento
formando un cumulo de ideas
en mi cabeza,

una hilera de pensamientos suicidas
que me miraban desde la mesa de luz,
al lado de un vaso de agua con
y el ruido de un bondi
pasa por la puerta
rapido desato las sabanas
y salto por el balcón.

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

"Cuando se nos dijo que mañana
es hoy, la gente del pasado
murió atormentada."
"Inercia de pensamientos"
son dos frases que flotan en mi cabeza
desde hace tiempo.
Bostezos y niebla
se mezclan adentro de tu cuarto,
entrando por tu ventana,
vos no podes ver lo que viene.
El sueño gana metros con cada oleada,
y la espuma que queda
sobre las costas de tu cerebro,
va cobrando sus victimas.
Victimas que si bien no conocemos,
podemos ubicar como personajes
de tus cuentos,
o de mis cuentos,
o de nuestras historias.
Si estás ahí,
quiero que leas,
que entiendas,
que entiendas.
Camino con los ojos en la mano
por un vasto arenal de ideas.
Respiro hondo a cada paso
y rezo por encontrarte para que me veas.

Me arrepiento de haber sido el malo,
el que lastima o el que miente,
me arrepiento de haber sido todo eso
que en poco tiempo perturbó tu mente.

Hasta el día en que esta infinita playlist
de agobiaciones deje de tocar,
voy a seguir siendo uno de todos esos,
que caminan por las playas con los ojos en las manos.

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

In the moonlight,
the tree in out campsight has almost a purple hue,
against a cloudy sky.

I stared at the tree, and the
leaves/branches/spots of sky seemed to turn into what I can best
describe as worms.
Maggot like, except with smooth bodies.
My first time was on a sandy beach, a few hours before High Tide. As I sat there, the waves came ever closer to me. The scene was real, my feelings about it were excitement and wonder.

For my second trip, I prepared differently. I wrote down some hallucinations I would enjoy seeing (and hearing). I re-read a couple stories about people having intense, personal hallucinations, which changed their life. I know (deep inside) that my trip can be anything I want it to be.

When I was about 1 hour in, I began to hear Gregorian Chants (they were on my list, thank you for this miracle). I sang along (droned along, at times I didn't know the words). Here I am. I am in this 14th Century Monastery. I am singing with all of these wonderful monks. I am a monk. I feel the weight of my robe. I smell the mustiness of the Sanctuary. My feet are firmly planted on the floor. Wow! This is Great.

A little later I realized: I became that existence, and lived in it, fully. This is a miracle of the psyche. Hmm. Now that I have THIS miracle available, I will use it some more.

I waited through some other realms, thoroughly enjoying each one, knowing that another Life is coming. A year before this trip, I went to a Creedence Clearwater Revival concert. They played all of their best 70s hits. I was fully enveloped, for minutes at a time.

Another List item: Re-create that rock concert. I recorded the songs which had sent me off; I am ready for this trip.

I turned on the stereo. Suddenly there were 1000s of people around me. I feel the heat of our bodies, the cool breezes flowing through. The music reverberates through me, like a freight train. Ising every note, with all my heart.

Song-after-song, one million volts are crackling all around me. All of us, living through this, sharing this once-in-a-lifetime experience. This patterned itself with greater, and lesser, periods of clarity. One second I am truly there (20 feet from the stage, the speakers powering through me), the next minute I am back into the sanctity of my room, and still fully enveloped in singing, enjoying this too. I got to hear the songs to fuel my hallucination, ANDhearing my own voice, singing with the band.

The trip continued. Lots of fun. Hours later, as I was analyzing the HIGH points, I realized that those 2 concerts (one religious, and one down-to-earth) both were spiritual. My spirit can arise with anything, as long as I perceive it as spiritual. Music is the language of the Universe, words tell me the story.

Now I know: Hallucinations are available. I can dream of things the way I want them.
This is enough.